A big thank you for keeping human rights alive this Christmas.

We are delighted to announce that £53,359 has been raised through the Christmas Big Give campaign this year. To all who donated, we thank you for your vital support. 

We also want to say a particular thanks to our Pledgers and our Champion Funder, The Reed Foundation, who gave so generously to ensure we can support prisoners of conscience who are struggling to survive this Christmas.

Knowing that we are in a time of economic uncertainty, your donations are extra special to those people whom we serve. Even though we weren’t quite able to hit our target of £60,000 this year, the total raised will make a life-changing impact for prisoners of conscience.

“Let me convey my heartfelt gratitude to you and all who work tirelessly to secure the life of individuals like me. And to all those great souls who provide their unconditional support for the great cause of your organization. You may not get to see the smile you put on all of our faces but know for sure that all you are doing has a tremendous impact on our happiness.”

Ramiz*, lecturer and magazine editor from Afghanistan


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