We provide practical support and three main types of financial assistance to prisoners of conscience:

1. Relief and rehabilitation grants (UK and overseas)

2. Bursary grants for post graduate study

3. Family reunion grants

4. Package of Support

5. Toolkit for people who remain in danger seeking a country of safety – please contact info@prisonersofconscience.org

The recipients of our grants are people who have been persecuted for their conscientiously-held beliefs.  These are people who have stood up for what they believe is right, usually in terrifying circumstances and often with the knowledge that their actions would bring themselves and their families into terrible danger.  We cannot help anyone who has used or condoned violence.

Each day we come across many cases of unimaginable horror.  Our aim is to help as many people as we can with the funds we have available, people in considerable distress whose lives have been destroyed by persecution.



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