We provide practical support to prisoners of conscience to enable them to live safe, free and self sufficient lives through our Package of Support and a toolkit for those who remain in danger while trying to reach a country of safety. Some of the key elements of the package of support include:

Employability Panel

We have launched an Employability Panel of trusted, specialist organisations who may be able to assist our beneficiaries to find meaningful, skills-related employment. Find out more here.

PoC Alumni Forum

This is a secure platform where PoC beneficiaries can share messages, thoughts and experiences. It is a safe space to share information, promote integration, and to improve employment and study prospects.

Volunteering for POC

We welcome beneficiaries who are interested in our work and are keen to gain valuable experience in a human rights organisation to volunteer for PoC or serve as trustee members. This can help them to put their skills into practice, carry on their vital work of defending human rights and improve their employment prospects.


We understand that access to a computer and the internet is essential. Employment, education and participation within society has become increasingly reliant on technology. PoC has partnered with Computer Aid, a non-profit organisation active in the field of Information and Communication Technologies for Development, who provide us with low-cost computers for our beneficiaries.

Many of our beneficiaries require advice due to the circumstances they face, ranging from refugee, immigration, housing and benefits advice. We provide signposting to advisory and support services that might be able to assist, often pro-bono.

Mental health services

Many prisoners of conscience, who face persecution and are often forced into exile, may require some form of therapy and mental support. We partner with a number of mental health services and we signpost those who need support to an appropriate organisation.

The key elements of the toolkit are links and contact details to meet the security, mental health, hardship, campaigning/advocacy and reaching countries of safety needs.



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