If you would like to gain work experience in the field of human rights and are looking for a volunteering opportunity, we’d love to hear from you.

Our opportunities are primarily  remote working for people willing to donate their time. We are particularly keen to hear from people who can help with the following areas.  

If you are interested in any of the areas below, please email info@prisonersofconscience.org with a brief outline of your skills and experience.

Student Outreach Volunteers 

We are currently looking for University students who would like to spread the word about our work, as well as gain some invaluable insight into the human rights sector. If you are interested in setting up a PoC society at your university, or simply helping spread the word on your campus, please email us for extra information and resources.

Similarly, if you are interested in hearing PoC talk at your university, please get in touch.

Office Administration:  From basic administration to helping with mailings or research, we are always grateful for offers of help.

Bookkeeping:  We occasionally need help with basic office accounts to cover holidays etc.

Press/PR:  Helping with special events.

Fundraising:  We would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to help us raise funds, either by holding fundraising events or by assisting us with desk-work.

Translating: We sometimes need to translate documents to or from other languages, particularly the Middle Eastern languages.

Social Media: We are eager to expand our reach on social media, so would greatly appreciate some fresh ideas for content and ways to promote to a wider audience.

Other:  If you feel you have experience which may be of use to our beneficiaries, please let us know.



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