If each of our supporters told a friend or colleague about the courageous work of prisoners of conscience and human rights defenders, we could double the support that you provide to keep human rights alive.
Last summer, one of our big-hearted donors informed us that she had circulated our 60th-anniversary video, and our 2021/2022 Impact Report, to 20 friends and colleagues. In doing so, 20 more people were able to hear about the brave acts of hundreds of prisoners of conscience around the world and the meaningful work that you make possible.
Do you know someone who, like you, cannot turn away and let others suffer?
Please send on a copy of our newsletter or invite them to follow us on social media @prisonersofconscience on Facebook, @POCHumanRights on Twitter, and @poc_org on Instagram. We would love your help to share this important work, so please get in touch if you have any ideas and thoughts to help us reach more human rights champions like you, and, if appropriate, we would happily provide additional copies of our impact and global reports.
Download your copy of our 2021/22 Impact Report and Global Report here.
Thank you!