Want to channel all your excess energy from the lockdown into something creative? Take a page from Kirsty’s book! As part of The 2.6 Challenge, Kirsty set herself the challenge to make 26 leather key fobs and send them to the first 26 people who donate to her page.
According to RSF (2020), the next ten years will be crucial for press freedom. There are five converging crises affecting the future of journalism – a geopolitical, a technological, a democratic, an economic, and a crisis of trust – all of them exacerbated by a global health crisis, Covid-19. This is why Kirsty is raising money for Prisoners of Conscience, to help PoC achieve more for persecuted journalists, among other deserving human rights defenders.

If you also value freedom of the press, why not kill two birds with one stone, and buy one of Kirsty’s beautiful leather key fobs? You just need to donate to her page, let her know what you want your fob to say, and Kirsty will personalise it and post it to you. Every donation, however big or small, could go a long way in keeping prisoners of conscience and their voices alive.
If, instead, you fancy showing us what you’re made of, we’d love for you to join us. All you need to do is decide on your challenge and then either make a donation or set up a fundraising page here. The ideas and options are endless!
We hope you’ll join the nation in The 2.6 Challenge to support Prisoners of Conscience. If you’d like to ask questions or have a chat, feel free to drop us an email at info@prisonersofconscience.org.
Thank you!